Myoma Resection
Hysteroscopic Myoma Resection
Myomectomy refers to the surgical removal of uterine fibroids without taking out the healthy tissue of the uterus. For women who have fibroid symptoms and want to have children in the future, myomectomy is the best treatment option.
A myomectomy can be performed several different ways. Depending on the size, number and location of your fibroids, you may be eligible for an abdominal myomectomy, a laparoscopic myomectomy or a hysteroscopic myomectomy.
How is the Hysteroscopic myomectomy procedure done?
A hysteroscopic myomectomy removes fibroids through the vagina.
In this procedure a long, thin scope with a light is passed through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. No incision is needed. The physician can look inside the uterus for fibroids and other problems, such as polyps. A camera also can be used with the scope.
Submucous or intracavitarymyomas are easily visualized and can be resected or removed using a wire loop or similar device. While submucous myomas can cause significant bleeding and anemia, their management is straightforward with hysteroscopic myomectomy.
Patients usually are sent home after the procedure and have minimal need for recovery. The hospital stay can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours and recovery time is generally 1-2 days. Generally only fibroids that are small and accessible through the cavity can be treated this way.